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At the Three Ring Ranch, we have two general goals for development
  • projects directly related to the improvement of our facility and the animals' habitats
  • projects which expand our educational programs

On-site Classroom and Museum Building

Teachers all over the Big Island, and even from Oahu and Maui, now book our programs but there is just no set place where the students can actually see all of the specimens or experience the hands-on education that would be possible in one set-up room. Although I take some of the specimens on the road now but only a fraction of them are ever seen.

For several years we have felt that our programs could be better, sharper, clearer and make more of an impact if the educational work we were doing at the Sanctuary had a physical home. Currently, we hold our classes in areas on site, such as the on the lawn or in the barn. These are often not ideal options with the rain, bright sun or wind that we commonly face. Early 2007, with the help of State Representative Josh Green, we applied for a State GIA grant (Grants in Aid) with the goal of building a modular, environmentally self-sustained (solar and catchment), fully handicapped accessible classroom/museum building. This structure would house our specimens, contain a lab area for students to learn in, have audio-visual equipment for teaching and the equipment and workspace to create educational film and photographs. Unfortunately, the Legislature was not able to grant this financial request and we are now appealing to individuals and private grant funding.

It is estimated that construction will cost $74,400 in total. We have a great deal of in-kind labor promised from local contractors.

Handicapped Accessible Bathroom

to have children from the Public School System visit the Sanctuary we MUST provide a bathroom that complies with the Americans with Disabilities (ADA) guidelines.


Video of Classroom Teaching Program for DVD Distribution toSchools

Another long standing dream of the Curator and Board of Directors has been to videotape the classroom teaching program, edit it into a series of DVDs, and making them available, along with course curriculum, FREE of charge to teachers. An excellent partnership has already been established with the award winning Interact club of Kealakehe High School. Working with high school students in the video production classes, we could create images that could then be used to share the animals with children who were not able to physically visit the Sanctuary. Each year the video interns would be able to train others in the editing and filming required as we care for more and different species. The students would not only learn about the animals we care for and the fragile ecology of our islands but how to use high tech video tools to profile our work and educate. This series could focus on the care and rehabilitation of Hawaii's fragile wildlife including the endangered species we save. Work to create this series would be one of the many things done in the new building.


We just received word that the Chelsea Foundation will be providing a grant $20,000 to get this project started. Consider joining with others to make the dreams of the Sanctuary a reality

click to see larger image

Wetlands Area


Pasture irrigation

irrigation systems that can withstand the use and abuse of zebras is more involved than your household sprinkler system! Kona has a long dry season which requires we install a system to keep our pastures green for them to graze on, decreasing the amount of supplemental hay needed to keep them healthy and fit

Barn Stalls

