all of the animals listed on this page have been cared for at the Sanctuary at some point
(links to pages for specific animals are underlined)
(links to pages for specific animals are underlined)
Mammals | Birds | Birds |
alpacas | ||
chinchilla | African gray parrot | Kermadec petrel |
feral goat | arctic tern | King pidgeon |
guinea pig | Australian black-bellied tree duck | lavender waxbill finch |
Hawaiian hoary bat | Australian black swan | Leach's storm petrel |
hooded rat | band-rumped storm petrel | lesser flamingo |
llama | bar-headed goose | Mandarin duck |
mice | barn owl | mourning dove |
mongoose | black-crowned night heron | Muscovy duck |
mouflon sheep | blue & gold macaw | myna bird |
nude lab rat | blue-winged teal | Newell's shearwater |
Nigerian dwarf goat | Bonin petrel | North American turkey |
oryx | Brecon buff goose | Northern cardinal |
St. Croix sheep | brown-footed booby | Pacific brant goose |
zebra | California quail | Pacific golden plover |
capuchin monkey | Catalina macaw | parakeet (budgy) |
Java macaque | cattle egret | peach-faced lovebird |
Rhesus-Java macaque hybrid | Chinese golden pheasant | peacocks |
spider monkey | Christmas Islands shearwater | racing pigeon |
feral donkey | cinnamon teal | red-tailed tropicbird |
North American bison | cockatiels | saffron finch |
Ring-tailed lemurs | domestic chickens | sand grouse |
English sparrow | scarlet macaw | |
class="style3leftred">Reptiles | feral chicken | silver pheasant |
African spur-thigh tortoise | Goffin cockatoo | snow goose |
California desert tortoise | great blue heron | sooty storm petrel |
false-map turtle | great frigate bird (juv.) | sooty tern |
Greek tortoise | harlequin macaw | South African crowned crane |
Gulf Coast box turtle | Hawaiian duck (kaloa) | spotted dove |
Jackson's chameleon | Hawaiian goose (nene) | storm petrel |
leopard tortoise | Hawaiian hawk (I'o) | umbrella cockatoo |
map turtle | Hawaiian owl (pueo) | Vosmaeri eclectus parrot |
ornate box turtle | Hawaiian petrel | wedge-tailed shearwater |
painted turtle | Hawaiian stilt | white-tailed tropicbird |
red-eared slider turtle | house finch | wood duck |
red foot tortoise | Japanese white-eye | yellow-footed booby |
Russion tortoise | Java finch | |
three toed box turtle | Kalij pheasant | |
yellow-eared slider turtle | ||
Insects | Amphibians | Marsupials |
Italian honeybees | axolotl (Mexican salamander) | sugar glider |